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鲜为人知:朝鲜曾没收一艘美国军舰 俘虏一船官兵(图)

FILE - In this undated file photo from the U.S. Navy, U.S. Navy USS Pueblo sails underway at sea. The ship is North Korea?s greatest Cold War prize, a potent symbol of how the country has stood up to the great power of the United States, once in an all-out ground war and now with its push to develop the nuclear weapons and the sophisticated missiles it needs to threaten the U.S. mainland. (AP Photo/USN, File) 美舰普韦布洛号档案照。美联社 FILE - In this Thursday, June 22, 2006 photo released by North Korea's Korea Central News Agency via Korea News Service, North Korean soldiers watch USS Pueblo, which was seized by North Korean navy off the Korean coast in Jan. 1968, near Taedonggang river in Pyongyang. The ship is North Korea?s greatest Cold War prize, a potent symbol of how the country has stood up to the great power of the United States, once in an all-out ground war and now with its push to develop the nuclear weapons and sophisticated missiles it needs to threaten the U.S. mainland. (AP Photo/Korea Central News Agency via Korea News Service) 美国海军舰艇普韦布洛号1968年1月23日遭北韩没收,目前还停在平壤战争博物馆内,图为2006年6月22日一群北韩官兵参观普韦布洛号。美联社 In this photo released from the U.S. Navy, crew members of the USS Pueblo hold up their heands while in captivity in North Korea in 1968. When Ralph McClintock  boarded the USS Pueblo in early January 1968, he was planning for a three-week mission collecting electronic intelligence off the coast of North Korea in the Sea of Japan. Instead, the 24-year-old communications technician from Milton, Mass., found himself a prisoner of war and a pawn in the Cold War sideshow. Next week, 40 of the 69 surviving crew members of the Pueblo will hold their every-other year reunion at the Inn at Essex, Vt. There will be exhibits and speakers by experts on U.S.-Korean relations. (AP Photo/US Navy) 美舰普韦布洛号1968年1月23日遭北韩没收时,舰上美军官员都成俘虏。美联社 历史上的今天(1月23日): 朝鲜曾没收一艘美国军舰 俘虏一船官兵 美国历来唯一在执勤时被俘的海军舰艇,是50年前1月23日被北韩没收的普韦布洛号(USS Pueblo),如今该舰还停在平壤大同江畔,是北韩的观光景点,见证两国半世纪来的紧张关系。 网络新闻网站“石英”报导,1968年1月23日,北韩攻击并没收当天在北韩元山港外海执行情报蒐集任务的美国普韦布洛号,造成1名美军丧生、82人被捕。美方当时声称该舰行驶在公海上,但北韩勒令停船接受检查,并以非法入侵领海为由,逮捕人员并没收船只。 当年的情况就跟今天类似,两国言语激烈交锋。普韦布洛号被俘后,美国海军坚持北韩放人且道歉,还要求根据国际法赔偿。但最终是美国道歉,82名美军历经挨打挨饿、身心折磨后,在同年12月获释。 对北韩来说,普韦布洛号让他们取得大批珍贵的情报,包括情蒐机具及操作手册等,美方人员在被捕前曾努力销毁其中一部分,但专家认为,北韩及当时的苏联都因此获益。 美国在人员获释后,收回道歉,但已造成了损害:北韩让美国颜面尽失,且在这场宣传战中大获全胜。直到今天,普韦布洛号还留在平壤的战争博物馆中。