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YongTao Chen, a well-known real estate developer and businessman in the Lower Mainland, announces that he has commenced a lawsuit against Corus Entertainment Inc., and Sam Cooper, a journalist employed by Corus Entertainment Inc. for an article published by them on globalnews.ca on October 26, 2020.

The lawsuit claims that the article is defamatory and false, and that a series of unconnected facts have been woven together to tell a story which is false both in the words used, and in its implication and innuendo.

Mr. Chen looks forward to clearing his good name through the Courts of British Columbia as Corus Entertainment Inc. and Mr. Cooper have refused to either apologize or withdraw the offending article.  They have offered him a chance to tell them “his side of the story” confirming that their original intent was to tell a one-sided story in the first place.  Mr. Chen has, obviously, declined that offer, viewing it as totally insincere.  He will clear his name through the Court process.

陈永涛,大温地区知名的房地产开发商和商人,在此宣布因Corus Entertainment Inc.和其雇佣的记者Sam Cooper于2020年10月26日在globalnews.ca所发表文章一事已经提起了法律诉讼。


由于Corus Entertainment Inc.和Cooper先生拒绝作出道歉或撤回其侵犯性的文章,陈先生期望通过不列颠哥伦比亚法院来澄清他的良好名声。他们给了陈先生一个“机会“,让陈先生告诉他们“陈先生这边的说法”。这一做法恰恰确认了他们最初意图就是要先讲给大众一个单边立场的故事。 当然,陈先生拒绝了他们,因为他们的做法没有诚信。他将通过法院来澄清他的名誉。

Dated:  November 23, 2020